Video ROI – do you get it?

One thing we get asked a lot, especially by business owners is, Video ROI – do you get it?’ or ‘What will be my return on investment be when making video’? and we’ve now got a pretty standard answer… The truth is it’s hard to point out tangible benefits to a finical director or business owner after you’ve got them to agree to embark on a serious video marketing strategy HOWEVER, the intangible benefits are considerable.  By this we mean, although you might not be able to say how many insurance policy’s you sold or how many snow jackets or bottles of beer you’ve shifted, the other signs of measuring successful video campaigns are there, you just need to know where to look.

If your video is well thought out, professionally produced and is something people actually WANT to watch, then you have something on intrinsic business value. Good video promoting a good service or product will get seen by your customers and potential customers – if it’s well made, it will leave the viewer feeling confident about what you do, install trust and make them like your brand.  Provided your corporate video is more VIDEO than CORPORATE your clients will come to you first, and get found by potential clients more easily online.


We’re not saying you need to take a leap of faith, but we are saying open you eyes to the difference a well made video can make to your business..

So here are the top 10 INTANGIBLE benefits of video marketing:

10. Video creates brand awareness and spreads the good news

9. Video shows your own staff you are in the game and serious about modern marketing methods

8. Ongoing video marketing builds your business a great archive of video assets to use in future productions

7. Video allows you to expose what you do to wider audience giving you a valuable presence on channels like YOUTUBE and VIMEO

6. Video lets you start conversations on social media and creates buzz.

5. Video builds trust in what you do – instilling confidence in any new prospects and encourages them to make contact

4. Professional Video content will help you take the high-ground from your competitors and keep it.

3. Video is great for search – full stop.

2. Video demonstrates a confident and progressive business who appreciate a wider digital audience.

1. Video keeps people engaged on your website for much longer – the stats prove it.